Photography and Video Policy


At times, photographs and videos will be taken during classes and events at Battalion Martial Arts.

By attending Battalion Martial Arts, you acknowledge that photographs and videos may be taken of you during classes, events hosted by us, other martial arts events, and related social activities.

These images and videos may be used for promotional purposes, including but not limited to websites, social media, and print media.

If you do not wish to be photographed or videoed in relation to Battalion Martial Arts, it is your responsibility to inform the photographers and videographers present. This will ensure that your face and/or body can be blurred or removed from any images.

We understand that many students may wish to photograph or film their own training or that of their friends. While this is permissible, we ask that this is done only with the consent of all individuals featured in the footage or photos.

Children Under 18

No children under the age of 18 will be filmed or photographed without the express consent of their parent or guardian. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to provide consent prior to any photography or videography involving minors.